3+2 Axis CNC Machining: How It Works and Why It Matters?


If you need China CNC machining services, look no further than HLH Prototypes. We offer CNC machining for rapid prototyping and end-use manufacturing to provide precise parts quickly and cost-effectively.

The process starts with a billet or solid block of material, and we cut away at it precisely with a series of drill bits and tools to form the part according to your design. As seasoned machinists, we offer a range of axis machines to meet every need.

3+2 machining is a specialized technique that combines the precision of 3-axis milling with the flexibility of 5-axis machining. In this process, a cutting tool is tilted and locked in a fixed position while the worktable rotates on two axes. This is distinct from full 5-axis machining, where the tool rotates continuously. 3+2 machining is also known as 'positional 5-axis machining' due to the fixed position of the cutting tool.

In this blog, we share how 3+2 axis machining works and its importance to your manufacturing process.

Faster, more precise cutting

The biggest advantage of 3+2 axis CNC machining is the ability to use shorter and more rigid cutting tools that allow for closer proximity between the spindle head and workpiece while maintaining a favorable tool angle. Because of this shorter tool length, machining speeds are faster, and there’s minimal deflection. The result? Improved surface finish, higher dimensional accuracy, and reduced cycle times. Product engineers and designers turn to China’s CNC machining services to save even more money and time.

Should you use it?

3+2 machining is practical for machining deep cavities in complex molds where traditional 5-axis machining might require longer and more slender tools (which are prone to chatter and deflection) or extensions (which can create clearance issues). Furthermore, this type of machining also allows for the direct machining of steep walls on standing mold cores and undercuts in cavities to reduce the need for EDM.

If you’re not sure whether to use 3+2 axis CNC machining, don’t hesitate to contact us for a project review. Our team in China can discuss our CNC machining service with you so you can make informed decisions.

Source URL: https://www.hlhprototypes.com/32-axis-cnc-machining-how-it-works-and-why-it-matters/


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